The lion of St Mark


Disciples of Jesus, Mk 9,30-50

As I noted in the overview, we will read 9,30-50 in two pages by following the Gospels for the two Sundays, 25th and 26th in Ordinary Time, 9,30-37 and 9,38-50, on this page and next.

At first it seemed to me that checking that this was a good split in the passage would be formality because the question of John is an obvious new development in 9,38. However, we need to look more closely and note what happens in verses 33 to 35 and comparing with Matthew, Mt 18,1. See 4, 1 and 13,3 and note Mt 5,1. What does this tell us about this teaching of Jesus? What then are the limits of the teaching?
Commentators often point out the cycle of the three predictions tells first of Jesus' fate, then of a failure to understand by the disciples followed by a teaching on discipleship. However, consider how the parallel is closer for the second and third. Compare 9,35 and 10,45. What is the common theme?

At this point we need a response.

The greatest in the Kingdom: Mk 9,30-37

Jesus again predicts his fate: 9,30-32

What is the significance of verse 31? Where was the last location mentioned (8,27) and where is the next - see verse 33 and also 10,32.

Note what Jesus doing in verse 31, see 4,34. Note too the repetition.

I have commented earlier (8,31) about the traditional expression "passion prediction". Compare this second one in 9,31 with the first. There's a third one coming (10,33-34) and we will make a detailed comparison then of the three.
There is a significant word used here, though it may not be obvious from the translations. We find the same word in 1,14 and 13,9 and also 15,1. See also Daniel 7,25.

What is the attitude of the disciples in verse 32: see 8,21? Why are they afraid?

Who is the greatest? 9,33-37

Look at Matthew 18,1-5. As we have seen, Mark has an elaborate setting up of this teaching.

The house in Capernaum in verse 33 has been an earlier base for Jesus' activities, 1,9.

Verse 34 then sets the theme, following on from verse 32.

We have noted the significance of the position Jesus takes up in verse 35. Who does Jesus address in this verse? Look ahead to 10,45 and see how this teaching reaches its climax there.

What does Mark say about the child in verse 36? See Mt 18,2. What is the significance of the child? See 3,14.

What variations in the translations are there for verse 37? What is the chain here?

Now it is time for my response.

The Sunday Gospel: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

There is a considerable gap between the Gospel for the 24th Sunday (Mk 8,27-35) and the 25th Sunday because the lectionary omits the first half of chapter 9. Now, this reading, Mk 9,30-37, begins what may be the longest continuous Sunday reading from Mark's Gospel. Over the next five Sundays, the Gospel will read through to the end of chapter 10, though there will be some significant gaps as we will see.

The Old Testament reading for the 25th Sunday comes from the Wisdom of Solomon (Wis 2.12.17-20). Read the whole speech, Wis 2,12-20. This is a late writing with a background of Jews suffering martyrdom (being "handed over") for their resistance to the imposition of Hellenism. With that in mind, reflect upon how it provides a background for this Gospel.

Again, take a look at my response.

We are now ready to continue with the second part of this teaching, 9,37-50.