The lion of St Mark


Another Boat Trip: Mk 8,10-22a

As we saw earlier, we are reading this part of the chapter as two episodes based on a boat trip. In verse 10 Jesus gets into the boat and goes to Dalmanutha. It is not known where that is but there he has a brief encounter with some Pharisees (verses 11 & 12). Where are the disciples at this time?
In verse 13 Jesus then returns again to the boat (note the "again"). He and the disciples arrive in Bethsaida at the beginning of verse 22. Thus 8,14-21 relates what happens during that second crossing by boat, an encounter with the disciples.
We can therefore see the unity to 8,10-22a, based on the two encounters.

Jesus and the Pharisees, 8,10-13

Verse 10 gets Jesus to the Pharisees. Who are with him? Is there something a bit strange about the way these Pharisees meet Jesus in verse 11?

What do we know about the Pharisees from 2,16.18 and then 3,6?

What is meant by a sign here? What are the Pharisees really looking for?
How does Jesus reply? What is missing here that we find in Mt 16,4 and Lk 11,30?

Look at Numbers 14,11. How do this help us our understanding of this first encounter?.

Then consider my response.

Jesus and the Disciples: Mk 8,13-21

Once again, a comparison with Matthew (Mt 16,1-12) helps to bring out Mark's point of view. Note Mt 16,11-12.

In verse 13 as we have seen Jesus is back in the boat and verse 14 confirms he is with his disciples. See 6,45.

For the emphasis on one loaf (bread) see Mt 16,5. What might be the significance of the one loaf?

What is the significance of Jesus' question? What is the importance of leaven? Have a look at 3,6.

How do the disciples react in verse 16? Have a look at 4,10-13 as a background for this discussion.

In verses 17 and 18 Jesus throws questions at the disciples. It helps to list them out and count them. Verse 17 reflects 6,52. For hardness of heart see Ps 95,10. See Jeremiah 5,21 and Ezekiel 12,2.

In verses 19 and 20, the questions require and receive answers from the disciples. Note Mt 16,9-10.

Verse 21 ends with a final question. Again, see 6,52. What does this say about the disciples? What is the final effect of this scene?

How does the trip end at the beginning of verse 22?

Now consider my response.

We are now ready for our next page, the first healing of a blind man, 8,22-26.