The lion of St Mark


Jesus and the Deaf Mute, 7,31-37

We now come to the first of two closely related healings, here that of a deaf man with a speech impediment which will be followed by the healing of a blind man in 8,22-26. They are both unique to Mark's Gospel. We will explore the special significance of the two healings for Mark's story when we read the second one.

By way of introduction, consider Is 35,5-6 as the background to both healings. Here it is quoted at the end of the healing (7,37). Think about the significance of the vision of Isaiah for the early Christians heard in light of what Jesus has done for us.

Where do Jesus' travel's taken him in verse 31? A look at a map may help (they are included in many Bibles). Is the strange route an issue for the way we read the Gospel? Where does Jesus arrive? What does this mean for the setting of the story and those involved in it?

We can see the miracle unfolding in five stages, try to identify them.

In verse 32 the deaf man is brought to Jesus by others as in 2,3. Note how the translations described the man.

Jesus laying on of hands or touching people is common enough in this Gospel (1,31 or 5,41 for example. What is unusual here in verses 33-34? What indeed is surprising about this healing compared to these we have seen earlier in the Gospel? How many actions does Jesus perform?
Looking up to heaven in verse 34: see Psalm 123,1 and 6,41 in this Gospel. See also Romans 8,26.

What is the key word in verse 35? Have a look at Exodus 4,10-11.

Why does Jesus in verse 36 try to forbid the people to speak about the cure?

For verse 37, look too at Genesis 1,31 as well as Is 35,5-6 which we have seen.

How does this healing compare with the previous healing. What therefore is the theme running through the chapter that I mentioned in the overview?

Take a look now at my response.

The Sunday Gospel: 23rd Sunday OT

The healing of the deaf and mute man by Jesus is the Gospel story for the 23rd Sunday of the Year. The Old Testament reading provided for this Gospel is Isaiah 35,4-7.

Read the whole chapter 35 of Isaiah. What is the message of the prophet to the People of Israel? Then how do the selected verses 4-7 illustrate the Gospel, bearing in mind what we have read already?

Take a look at my response.

We are now ready to move on to chapter 8.