The lion of St Mark


THE SABBATH: Mk 1,21-31

Jesus and the Demon: 1,21-28

Jesus now has a small band of disciples with him but in verse 21 he is still an unknown. By verse 28 however his fame is spreading all round Galilee. What do you think is the key word in this first public appearance of Jesus? It occurs twice.

What day of the week is it in verse 21? Consider the significance of Mark beginning Jesus' ministry on that day and place (see Lk 4,31-33). See Gen 2,2-3 and Exodus 20,10-11; 31,15-17. See also 16,2.

Verse 22 includes a first mention of the scribes, those learned in the Jewish Law. Here they just get a mentioned, soon they will be involved in the story (2,6). What impression do we get about the scribes at this point?

The centre of this episode is the man with an unclean spirit. Unclean spirits and demons can be seen as synonomous in the Gospel. They refer to a whole spirit world which is largely unfamilar to use today but would have been very familiar to the ancients.
What is the role of the man in the story and what happens to him? Be careful not to read what is not in the text. (Have a look at 5,15, for example). Who takes the initiative in the confrontation?

How do we as the readers of the Gospel understand what the demon cries out?

What is the significance of naming someone - a look at Gen 2,19-20 might help?

What is the effect of this first incident in the ministry of Jesus?

Tme now for my response.

The healing of Peter's Mother in Law: 1,29-31

This short story is one I've often used because it shows us very neatly how each evangelist can tell the same story in different ways and for different purposes. A simple comparison with Matthew (Mt 8,14-15) will make the point without adding a comparison with Luke. Our aim now is to read this story in its context in Mark's Gospel.

How is this story similar and dissimilar to the preceeding one? Who is present with Jesus? Who takes the initiative for the healing?

Verse 30 sets the scene - what characteristic word of Mark do we find here?

What does Jesus do in verse 31? Most translations lose the significance of Jesus' actions - compare as many translations as possible to see if you can find a clue.

Likewise for the woman: what does she do that is would be characteristic of Christians?

Now have look at my response.

The Sunday Gospel

The healing of the demoniac, 1,21-28, is the Gospel for the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time. The accompanying OT reading is Deuteronomy 18,15-20. The responsorial psalm is taken from Psalm 95: read the whole psalm. With both these as background, reflect upon the Gospel. Bear in mind that this passage tells us about Jesus' first appearance in public ministry.

The second incident, the healing of Peter's mother in law, is part of the Gospel for the following Sunday.

Have look at my response.

Let us therefore move on to the events after the sabbath.