The man of St Matthew


Servant of All: Mt 20,17-28

There are two parts to this passage. First, in verses 17 to 19 Jesus predicts his fate for the third time. As I may have mentioned before, I avoid the traditional label of "Passion Prediction" because the resurrection is equally important in all three.

Then in verses 20-28, the Mother of the Sons of Zebedee requests places of honour in the Kingdom for her sons. Note how the two parts are linked and see how the final verse, 20,28, binds the two episodes together.

Note the new emphasis on a certain town in verses 17 and 18. See 16,21 and 19,1

Jesus' third prediction of his fate: 20,17-19

Compare this prediction with the previous two: 16,21 & 17,22-23. What is different about this third prediction? How is the resurrection expressed?

As the prediction is so detailed, it's useful to connect this prediction with the account of the passion and resurrection: 26,57; 26,66; 27,2; 27,26.30;32-44 and 28,1-10

Then have a look at my response

The Zebedee Request: 20,20-28

Compare with Mk 10,35-45. What is Matthew's major alteration? Why has he done this? See how this becomes a rather artificial change.

How is verse 20 connected with what precedes? St Paul provides the underlying premise in Romans 8,17.

For the mother's request in verse 21, look back at 19,28.

The cup of verse 22 reappears in 26,39. It refers back to the Old Testament as an image of suffering. Look at Jer 25,15 or Is 51,17, for example.
To this the brothers reply "We can". Look ahead and see what actually happens in 26,36-46.

Who is ultimately in charge in verse 23? Look forward to 27,38 and see who are actually to right and left of Jesus.

What lies behind the disciples being indignant in verse 24?

To this reaction, Jesus makes a comparison between the rulers of this world and Christian leadership. Note as best you can the strong language in verses 25 to 27 and the change of term between verses 26 and 27.

The climax is the saying in verse 28. Note how Matthew has altered Mark.
The important phrase is "giving his life as a ransom for many". See how we have here an allusion to Is 53,10-12.

Now another response from me

We continue with the healing of the blind men, 20,29-34.