The man of St Matthew



Jesus before Pilate: Mt 27,11-26

Jesus was handed over to Pilate in 27,2. See how this scene concludes in 27,26. What is Pilate's role?

Compare the scene with Mark, Mk 15,2-15, noting Matthew's editing. What are the two main additions by Matthew?

Then see how as a result, the episode unfolds in five stages. What is the central stage?

At this point, take a look at my response.

The first stage then is the questioning of Jesus by Pilate, 27,11-14..

What does he call Jesus in 27,11? Compare 26,63.
How does Jesus reply?

Verses 12-13 pick up from 27,1. For Jesus' silence see 26,63 again and Is 53,7.

Note Matthew's emphasis in verse 14, see Mark 15,5.

With the second stage, 27,15-18, the story changes direction. Note the changes to Mark in verse 15 and 17. How has Matthew edited verse 17 compared to Mk 15,9?
For the meaning of Barabbas, see 16,17 and Mk 14,36. See Mk 15,7.

Verse 19, the third stage, is then an unexpected insertion into the Barabbas epidode. This insertion as we have seen is the centre of this scene of Jesus before Pilate so we need to consider it carefully.
What does Pilate do in this verse?
Who is his wife? For the importance of dreams see 1,20 and chapter 2. Note the key word in her statement: 1,19; 4,15; 5,20.
What is the effect of this intervention?

The fourth stage, 27,20-23, then returns to the choice between Jesus and Barabbas.
What has Matthew added to Mark in verse 20? How has he edited verse 21?

What does the crowd want? What is Pilate's understanding in verse 23?

The fifth and final stage of this episode, 27,24-26, is again an addition by Matthew. See Dt 21,1-9 and Ps 26,6 for background to Pilate's action. See also verse 4. What is the meaning of this verse 24?

Note the change of word from verse 24 to verse 25. What is the effect of this?
See Jeremiah 26,15 and 1 Kings 2,33. See also 23,34-35.

As we have noted, verse 26 ends with the same word as the episode began. See how 20,19 is being fulfilled.

Now take a look at my response.

We can therefore continue with soldiers taking Jesus to his crucifixion, Mt 27,27-44