The man of St Matthew


Stay Awake: Mt 24,37-44

As we saw in the chapter overview, Matthew is no longer following Mark from 24,37, developing his own themes instead. We begin with the end of chapter 24, 24,37-44: see how Matthew has rewritten the end of Mark's discourse, Mk 13,33-37. The theme remains much the same, we noted that the last verse the two Gospels have in common is 24,42 = Mk 13,33, "stay awake".

Jesus now presents three short parables, similies rather than stories, 24,37-44. Note that all three have the same theme:

Noah in verse 37 recalls Gen 6 and 7, see 7,1. The lesson comes in verse 39, but check that it is in the book of Genesis.

In verses 40 and 41 there follows a male and female illustration. What is the message here?

We have seen verse 42 alreaady. Consider how the point is illustrated in verse 43.

In conclusion, verse 44 has echoes of verse 36.

What has Matthew now established in these verses that will be followed up in the three parables that come next?

Now, look at my response .

The Faithful/Wicked Slave: Mt 24,45-51

This is the first of three parables and as I commented in the overview, it really be better in chapter 25. We will though read it with this chapter; that will provide a background when we take an overall look at the three parables in the chapter 25 overview.

How is the slave described in verse 45? Look ahead at 25,14. See Gen 39,4.
"Set over the household" suggests a meaning for the slave, see 1 Cor 4,1 and Ephesians 2,19.

Verse 46 is the same blessed-ness as the Beatitudes, 5,1-12, with the reward in verse 47. See 25,21.23. See also Psalm 1, especially Ps 1,6.

Then there is the sudden contrast that occurs in verse 48. Consider what might be going on here. Look ahead at 25,5 and 25,19.

Verse 50 then picks up from the preceeding discourse, 24,36.44.
Look at various translations for verse 51 and the fate of the slave at the beginning of the verse. The second part will be recalled in 25,30 and 25,46, as well as 22,13. Note as well the echo of chapter 23.

We can now take another look at my response .

We can continue with the overview of chapter 25.