The bull of St Luke


The WORD OF GOD: Luke 8,1-21

The Frame: 8,1-3 and 8,19-21

We have seen in the overview how Luke has carefully provided a frame for the parables. We can now begin by looking at this frame to see what we can discover about Luke's interests.

It is good to begin by reading all 21 verses. Look out for the noun and the verb which seem to dominate and so set out the theme of the whole passage.

Then, for 8,1, look back to 4,43-44. What is different this time?

For those people mentioned in 8,1-3, look at 23,55 and 24,10. Look also at Acts 1,13-14. Note too Acts 1,22.

What do we learn here about Mary Magdelene? (You might find a clue in 4,39.)

What is the role of the women? Consider 4,39 again as well as 10,40 and Acts 6,2.

Look now at the other part of the frame, 8,19-21, and see how it complements the beginning, 8,1-3. For 8,21, look at 11,27-28 and also 2,19.

How does this frame anticipate Acts 2,42-47?

Then go to my response.

The Parables: 8,4-18

We see that the parable of the sower, comes in three parts: the story (8,4-8), comments on the purpose of parables (8,9-10) and then an explanation (8,11-15).
Compare each part with Mark's account (Mk 4,1-24) and look for Luke's alterations and additions. What is the effect of these alterations, how do they bring out Luke's interests?

Check the quotation from Isaiah (Is 6,9-10) and then look at the end of Acts (Acts 28,25-28)

To the parable, Luke has added some sayings (8,16-18): Luke has added a sentence. Consider how this has changed the theme of Mark (Mk 4,21-23)?

Then have another look at my response.

we are now ready to read the next two episodes of the chapter: the calming of a storm and the healing of the demoniac.