The bull of St Luke


Chapter 8: Overview

In chapter 8, we will see that Luke is following chapters 4 and 5 of Mark's account but he has made significant editorial changes.
We can begin by looking at 8,1 and 9,1 so as to be clear about the boundaries of the chapter. Note how these two verses mark new beginnings. Look too for another clear new beginning within the chapter.

Identify the various episodes of chapter 8 and list them in a column on a sheet of paper. Opposite each incident, note where the equivalent incident is found in the Gospel of Mark. The results ought to highlight some interesting editing and rearranging of Mark by Luke. Contrast as well Luke's setting for the parables (8,1-3) with that of Mark (Mk 4,1-2). Maybe you will be able to draw a conclusion.
Note as well what Luke has omitted from Mark. Any ideas about why he might have done this?

Where does Jesus go after telling the parables? What is significant about 8,22? And what happens after he returns in 8,40, up to the end of the chapter?
From this, see how the chapter divides into three parts

Then go to my response.

Reading Plan

From our explorations of Luke's editing, we can read this chapter in three pages:

Sunday Gospel

Chapter 8 of Luke's Gospel is not used for the Sunday readings. The exception is the first three verses which, as we have seen, were added onto the last scene of chapter 7 rather artifically.

However, by following a policy of avoiding repeating Gospel incidents which are read in another Gospel in another cycle, the lectionary is passing over the notable editorial activity by Luke. We have seen the different message that Luke gives us.

We are now ready to read about the women and the parable of the sower (8,1-21) more closely.