The bull of St Luke


Jesus the Adolescent: Lk 2,40-52

Read through this episode about Jesus. We have seen already how this episode is framed by Jesus growing in wisdom and the favour of God which is repeated in verses 40 and 52. We also noted in the overview that as with the Presentation so here too the story ends with a return on Nazareth (verses 39 and 51).

What is the importance of verses 40 and 52? For background, see 1 Samuel 2,26 and Proverbs 22,6. How is both the human and divine reflected here?

For the Passover pilgrimage in verse 41, see Exodus 23,14-17; Dt 16,16. What might be the significance of Jesus being twelve?

Verses 43-45 then set the scene.

What might be the significance of three days in verse 46? For verses 46-47, what is Jesus' place? Look ahead to 24,27.45. Note how this echoes verse 40.

In verse 48, we note who speaks to Jesus and what is said. But in verse 49, Jesus thinks they should have known. See 2,33.
How does verse 49 act as the climax of this scene? What is the special significance of Jesus's words? In light of what he says, which of the alternative translations is better: Father's house (Jn 2,16) or Father's affairs?

Verse 50 brings out hia parents failure to understand, but with the comment about Mary in verse 51, we can look back to 2,19.

As for Jesus, consider what is said in verses 51-52 and how they help our understanding of him.

Look now at my response.

Jesus growing in divine and human favour is an appropriate note on which to end the overture.
We can now continue with our overview of chapter 3.