enThe Lion of St Mark

The Gospel of Mark

Chapter 9: Overview

As we have noted, the chapter begins with "After six days" (9,2). The scene of the Transfiguration then follows (9,2-8) followed by the discussion as Jesus and the disciples descend the mountain (9,9-13).

The next beginning is "When they came to the disciples and saw the large crowd" (9,14). The healing of the boy with a demon is then told with Jesus'teaching about faith (9,14-29).

The second half of the chapter opens with verse 30 "They went on from there and passed through Galilee". This becomes more specifically Capernaum in 9,33 but the teaching that follows is based on Jesus' second prediction of his fate in 9,30-32. In 9,35 Jesus sits to teach. His teaching then continues to the end of the chapter, with a question by John in verse 38. We will look more closely at the arrangement of the teaching when we come to it.

Chapter 10 then begins with the move to Judea.

Thus we have three parts for the chapter and these are the basis for our reading plan. For this, return to the main page .