enThe Lion of St Mark

The Gospel of Mark

Chapter 6: Overview

The sandwich which is at the centre of this chapter concerns the mission of the twelve. They are sent out by Jesus in verses 6b to 13 and they report back to Jesus in 6,30. In between, the middle of the sandwich, we hear about Herod and the fate of John the Baptist (6,14-29).

Similar to the story of the woman with a hemorrhage in the previous chapter, in one way this story of John's fate provides an interlude between the sending out and return of the Twelve. At the same time, inserting this story about John into the mission of the Twelve also gives a clear message. Like John (1,14; 6,17), the disciples who are sent on mission can also expect to be arrested or "handed over" to "governors and kings" (13,9).

The first six verses of the chapter tell of Jesus' rejection at Nazareth (6,1-6). The scene comes to a climax in the first half of verse 6 (6a as we will call it): "he was amazed at their lack of faith". This obviously stands in contrast with the faith of Jairus and the woman in the preceeding episode.

While verse 30 completes the sandwich with the apostles reporting to Jesus, it also opens the second part of the chapter. There follows the feeding of the crowd (6,30-44).

The feeding is then followed by the episode of Jesus walking on the water (6,45-52). The two incidents seem to be linked together in tradition so that even the Gospel of John keeps them together (Jn 6,1-21).

Finally, right at the end of the chapter there is a summary of Jesus' ministry (as in 1,32-34) (6,53-56).

Chapter 7 opens with a new beginning because the Pharisees and scribes once again make their appearance (7,1).

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