The man of St Matthew



An Empty Tomb: Mt 28,1-15

We saw in the chapter overview how these verses concern the women and the guards. Who are the other characters here?

With that in mind, see how this episode has three parts. Note that verses 2 & 9 begin with the same words.
What do the first two parts have in common and what is the contrast with the third part?

Look at my response.

The Women: 28,1-10

We have seen that in the first two parts of this scene, the women meet first the angel (28,1-8) and then they Jesus himself (28,9-10).

We need to see for the first part how Matthew has re-written Mark, so compare 28,1-8 with Mark 16,1-8. What has Matthew changed, what has he left out?

In verse 1, what is the time? Compare John 20,1. What is given as the purpose of the women's visit?

Verse 2 introduces the earthquake - how is this connected with the earlier earthquake of 27,51 & 54? For the significance of earthquakes, see for example, Exodus 19.18 or 1 Kings 19,11.

The description of the angel in verses 2 & 3 recalls Mt 17,2. See too Daniel 7,9 or Dn 10,6.

What is the difference between the fear of the guards in verse 4 and the fear of the women in verse 8? What are their different reactions?

Note how Verse 5 and 6 recall, for example, 20,17-19. What is the evidence placed before the women?

What is the consequence of verse 7 that happens in verse 8?

First the angel and then, in verse 9, Jesus. Make a contrast between the description of the angel with the way Jesus is described. What do the women do (in contrast to Jn 20,17)? Note how verse 10 is similar to verse 7. What though is different? See 26,56.

The Guards: 28,11-15

As we have noted, whereas the women tell the truth, the guards tell lies.

We saw in the overview of the chapter how these verses conclude the episode of 27,62-65. We've already had a brief mention of the guards in verse 4 with their reaction to the angel.

See now how verse 12 recalls 26,15.

What is the purpose of verse 13? How is this concluded in verses 14 and 15?

Then look at my response.

Let us now move on to the final episode of the Gospel, the great commission, Mt 28,16-20