The man of St Matthew


Disciples of Little Faith: Mt 17,14-20

We can first note how Matthew tells in seven verses a story which is told in 16 verses by Mark (Mk 9,14-29). As usual, Mark relishes the story whilst Matthew gets to the point. Though the point being made here is different to Mark's: find the verse which has been added by Matthew to make it (for a clue, see 14,31).

Thus at the beginning in 17,14, note how considerably Matthew has changed Mark, Mk 9,14-17. Already the episode is being given a different slant.

Most translations say for 17,15 that the son is epileptic. What though can we make of the NAB translation?

Verse 16 recalls 10,1. See also 2 Kings 4,31.

The harsh words of Jesus in 17,17 repeat Mk 9,19. To whom are they spoken? Look for the echoes here of Dt 32,20. See also Numbers 14,26-27.

Compare 17,18 with Mk 9,25. What is the effect of the change? What sort of healing is this? (Note the word "rebuke"). What has Matthew added to this verse?

Then, what happens next, in verse 19?

17,20 is Matthew's addition to this scene. See how this makes for a conclusion which is different to Mark's, Mk 9,29. Notice how Jesus in this verse softens verse 17. What is the figure of speech here and what is the message? See 13,32-33. What therefore is the lesson of this scene?

Now go to my response

We are ready for the second predicton of his fate by Jesus and its consequences, 17,22-27.